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Frequently Asked Questions

What does "no-code" mean?

Firstly, in our case it means you do not need write html code, JavaScript code, or use Google Tag manager to add events on pages or enrich website data.

For agencies you no longer need access to clients website or their Tag manger. We capture every event and allow you to filter, categorize, or enrich data all with our application.

GDPR Compliant? Cookies?

Yes. We are compliant with such regulations as GDPR, PECR, CCPA, ePrivacy and COPPA. We do not track or correlate by IP address or cookies across the web like Google Analytics. Cookies are optional and help improve the accuracy customer journey and measurement tools.

When a site visitor fills out an opt-in form and added to your list, we track and correlate this...plan dependent (Agency and Content Marketer).

How do I create an account?

Book A Demo. Let's talk to be sure SaturnOne is for you. If so, then you can started as a customer.

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Do you offer team accounts?

Yes. All our plans are team plans. You can have 3 types of users: admin, editors, and users/clients.

Do you use/share/sell the end users' data?

No, we do not. We do not monetize or use any data collected on your behalf except to serve you. We do not store any data that would allow us to identify a specific user by default (see below for exception). We try to be as transparent and respectful of privacy as possible. Also, all of the data we collect is anonymised...unless you choose to collect individual user data or connect it to you data.