Analytics & Reports

Designed for B2B and content marketing (content, SEO, keywords, search, social... paid, or organic) reporting and in-depth analysis.

For clients and managers,
we have dashboards showing revenue, ROI, and more.

For your marketing team, we have analysis tools and reports by campaigns, ads, channels, referrers, keywords, and content. Reports can include traffic, CPV, leads, CPL, customer, CAC, conversion values, customer value, return-per-customer, ROI, Lifetime Value, and Lifetime ROI.

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We have custom built dozens of data connections and analytics tools.

  • Lead Generation
  • Landing Pages
  • Funnels
  • Shopping Carts
  • Content That Converts
  • Keywords Driving Conversion
  • Local SEO & Maps
  • Search
  • Social
  • CTAs
  • Forms & Popups
  • Traffic
  • Lead Generation By Channel
  • Lead Generation By Campaigns
  • Landing Pages
  • Shopping Cart Value
  • Search
  • Social
  • Google Profile Conversions
  • Multilocation Aggregation
  • Location Comparison
  • By Conversion Type (TOFU, MOFU, BOFU)
  • By Channel
  • By Campaigns
  • Landing Page Channels
  • Landing Page Detailed with paid & organic segmentation
  • Landing Pages by Campaign
  • Shopping Carts by Channels
  • Shopping Carts Detailed with paid & organic segmentation
  • Shopping Carts by Campaign by Channel or Detailed
  • Google Business Profiles
Search & SEO
  • Keywords Driving Conversions
  • Content That Converts
  • SEO Keyword Change Reports
  • Content Groups Engagement
  • Traffic Reports
  • Keywords Reports
Local Google Profiles
  • Google Business Profile Trends
  • Traffic That Drives Conversions
  • Multi-Location Trending
  • Multi-Location Comparison
  • Keywords
  • Content That Drives Conversion
  • Keywords Driving Conversion
  • Content Engagement Reports
  • Content Groups Engagement
  • Content Group Conversion Attribution

And much more...

Not "just proof of work". No more confusing dashboards with 100s of KPIs.

With Conversion and ROI reports, you easily see where the marketing investment is working and where it is not.