Content Marketing: Lead Magnet Landing Page Conversion Rates

Lead magnet landing pages are crucial for capturing qualified leads...

As experienced marketers, we know that lead magnet landing pages are crucial for capturing qualified leads and driving conversions. But what is a good conversion rate? Does it vary by channel? And what are the top things that affect conversion?

Unbounce just published its annual “Conversion Benchmark Report for 2024.” It's a good read. While this report is based on all types of landing pages, it is representative. Across all industries, the average is 6.6%. At SaturnOne, where we also measure conversions and revenue, I have seen clients with higher than 50% conversion and many with much lower than average conversion.

Here are a few things that have surprised me so far:

  1. SaaS has the lowest converting landing pages (image).
  2. Copywriting grade level has the biggest impact on conversion (like 100%; see table below). Grade level 7 is the highest. I typically write at 15+... 😬😬🤔😢 … I have to work on this.
  • Lead magnet landing page conversion rates vary depending on a number of factors, including the industry, the strength of the offer, and how well the page is optimized. 

What Channels Perform the Best?

However, optimizing these pages to achieve higher conversion rates is an ongoing challenge that directly impacts our ROI. In this post, we'll delve into industry statistics, explore methods for measuring revenue and ROI, and discuss the key factors that affect conversion rates.

As every content marketer should know, email your list as often as you can provide value. Thus, email is the highest conversion channel.

The graph below is a bit biased towards e-commerce in my estimate, thus the higher “paid social” over “paid search”. In content marketing which is heavy in B2B and higher priced customers the organic and paid search typically do better than social media marketing, paid or organic. Deeper into the report the social channels do indeed skew to more ecommerce channels (IMO) over B2B type of type channels, e.g. LinkedIn.

Common Conversion Rates

The average conversion rate for an email opt-in landing page is between 5% and 15%. Companies with the most success tend to convert at around 20-25%, and the best of the best achieve conversion rates of 30% or higher. 


Quizzes have an average conversion rate of 40 to 50%

Shorter landing pages

Shorter landing pages with clear call-to-actions (CTAs) outperform longer ones by 13.5%. 

Low conversion rate

A conversion rate below 2% is cause for concern. This could mean that the offer doesn't provide enough value or that the sales copy needs to be more compelling. 

Social proofing

Integrating social proofing into the landing page can increase conversion rates. I know this is a big thing, but I wonder if it has run its course with all the false social proof… maybe it is just me.


Lead magnet landing pages are an important part of a marketing strategy because they help capture leads and build a customer base. They are designed to offer something of value in exchange for a visitor's contact information.